Sunday, June 19, 2005

My weekend

I'm happy to report that Mommy and Daddy are feeling better and better.

Yesterday morning I woke them up at 5 am so they could feed me. Then at 7 am I woke them up again because I needed some petting. They let me up the bed so I took a nap there instead. It was nice.

Originally uploaded by pygmygoat.

Then we went on a LONG walk all around Hampshire College.

Originally uploaded by pygmygoat.

Today we went on an even LONGER walk around downtown Amherst. We even visited some parts of my territory I didn't even know existed! I chased off a couple of little dogs. Then we went to see my friends at the Dakin Animal Shelter. I barked at a cat but he didn't run away, so I got madder and madder, and I barked louder and louder, and he still wouldn't run away! I don't know why Daddy didn't let me get him. We went to lunch at Bub's Bar-B-Q, which is one of my favorite places, except Mommy and Daddy wouldn't get me anything.

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